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Homecoming SZN Glow Up with Frederick Benjamin

Homecoming SZN Glow Up with Frederick Benjamin

Posted by Necole Jackson on


Although many would debate Summer, Fall is no doubt our favorite time of year. With football back in its prime, Chelsea boots coming out the closet and the comfortable cool weather through the week, Fall has proven to be the best season. Most of all, Fall is known as Homecoming SZN and if you’re a college grad, you know why to believe the hype. Homecoming SZN brings tailgates, college football games and the lit social activities (you know what we mean). This week-long event is anticipated throughout all HBCUs, but are also becoming big for PWIs. No matter where you spent your four years, the universal theme is school pride.

So, as you make your way to the tailgates and show how you “glowed up” compared to your undergraduate years, here are some ways to make sure you’re looking your best while showing your ex, just how mad they should be.

If you want to look your best for homecoming, the best place to start is with your face. As you know, Black Men struggle with two problems when it comes to their face: acne because their face isn’t clean or razor bumps due to harsh shaving. While cleaning your face is a big topic we’ll save for later, the razor bump problems are something you can tackle ASAP.

It’s pretty common to get ingrown hairs or skin irritations because of razor rash, so finding products specifically tailored to solve them is key.

One way to solve this problem is taking extra precaution by using shaving-specific products to protect your skin. Before shaving, use the Easy Primer Pre-Shave Oil, which prepares skin and softens the hair for shaving. By applying the product to the hair, the avocado, grape seed and olive oil softens the beard allowing the razor to glide through while preventing skin irritations. If your beard is harsh, your results will be the same on your face.

Does your shave gel have aloe vera for healing and moisturizing, witch hazel for cleansing and soothing inflammation or castor oil for softening and hydrating the skin in it? That’s what we thought.

This could be a huge factor why your skin reacts negatively when shaving. Our Hydro-Glaze Cooling Aloe Shave Gel has all of these ingredients and more to safely protect normal and sensitive skin during shaving.

Lastly, for the final precaution for your bump free skin, use an after-shave.

Stop. You were just about to pick of an extremely strong, unnatural, unhealthy alcohol-based after-shave.

Instead, substitute the burn and bite for our soothing Bump Clear - Post Shave & Bump Treatment that's proven to show results because of the natural and prescriptive active ingredients, like sunflower seed oil and our patented soothing complex to reduce, eliminate and prevent all your shaving problems.

We see you glowed up FB style now.   See you on the yard!

Photo Credit: Instagram


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