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The Journal: Black Men Fitness Tag

The Journal: Black Men Fitness Tag

Posted by Michael James on

It's Friday! That means you've probably spend so much time at your desk, in meetings, with clients or customers, or on the road that you just want to sit around and do nothing. In spite of how tempting some couch time can be, getting out and getting active is probably the best thing you can do for your mind and body. That's why we asked Chris Gould, an NASM-certified Master Trainer and founder of the fitness program Intellefit, for some easy exercises that you can add to your gym routine or do right in your own living room. 

The Sun Salutation

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Step outward, raising the arms at a v-angle, expanding the chest. Breath inward as you step out. Exhale as you return to the beginning position. This move increases lung capacity, corrects muscle imbalances in the upper extremities and lowers stress levels.

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This is ideal before hitting the bench press or chest fly machine and should be repeated multiple times as you loosen up.

The Foundation Squat:

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Start with the feet hips-width apart. Descend slowly. Stand up with power. Engage the lower extremities (leg muscles) and core to get the most out of each repetition.


The Climber

Start in basic push-up position, with palms on the floor, hands underneath to support your weight and aligned with the shoulders. Do your best to keep your back straight!

christopher gould  intellefit™ the climber exercise frederick benjamin blog

christopher gould  intellefit™ the climber exercise frederick benjamin blog

Alternate knee raises towards your chest in a rhythmic fashion. This helps to ondition the core, hips and glutes and improves overall cardiovascular conditioning.

christopher gould  intellefit™ the climber exercise frederick benjamin blog

christopher gould  intellefit™ the climber exercise frederick benjamin blog

This is a solid addition to a high intensity interval workout and focuses on upper body strength and stabilization.

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