We all know the benefits of mint. Whether it's a hot tea to help sooth aching stomachs or strips of gum to keep bad breath at bay, the extracts have been used in a wide variety of ways from medical cabinets to recipe books. But what about for the hair and scalp? At Frederick Benjamin, we strive to provide the best natural solutions for healthy and hydrated hair and part of that is using active essential oils in our formulations. Spearmint oili in particular has an array of uses, especially when it comes to haircare.
The first, similar to nettle, is that it promotes circulation. Blood flow is essential to feed nutrients to the scalp, and your hair can only be as healthy as the scalp it grows from. Spearmint essential oil is also a great moisturizer, working to control oil production in the scalp. That means less greasy buildup, which is why--unlike most men's grooming products-- we use it in our invigorating shampoo, moisturizing conditioner, and Daily Hydrator styling creme to seal and protect the hair.
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