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Wolfing SZN Is Finally Here

Wolfing SZN Is Finally Here

Posted by Tyrus Townsend on

Leo SZN. Virgo SZN. Libra SZN. Honestly, the only season that matters is right on top of the dome: Wolfing SZN. What one may deem as a period in your life when you either find yourself in-between barbers or a traditional period we consider it a time to change up your hair—and the game.

It’s a lifestyle that few are able to adopt but those who know KNOW! And here we are….


Wolfing SZN 360 Wave Kits

Don’t get it twisted: Wolfing is an important step in creating more defined 360 waves. I know that sounds all types of nonsensical but, hear us out. This process is all about growth...and as your hair continues to grow, you’ll have commit to consistently brushing to form your desired wave pattern. Another key? Using the right products will be crucial. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to properly maintain your hair (and sanity) during this upcoming wolfing season. 


No need to look any further. Your perfection regimen is within reach. Depending on how long your hair is and the need to lay down your hair, you can use a styling creme, pomade and a combination of products.

For overnight, we recommend starting with a styling creme and then adding a layer of pomade for additional hold. This will seal in all the work from your brushing session and you'll wake up with softer, more defined waves. 

When you’ve reached the apex of wolfing use a styling creme like this for maximum style and hold.


Wolfing SZN 2

When applying product with your hands, take it easy with the pour. It’s recommended to apply the product “with the grain” of your pattern. Some labels say use a dime-size amount, but depending on where you are in your hair growth journey, you might need more than a nickel-size amount.

Some wavers like to apply product with both hands simultaneously, while others prefer to apply product in sections with one hand. It’s completely up to you how you’ll like to apply the product. It depends on how much you can manage your wolfing. 

When you’re finished applying, you can remove any buildup from your hands using your durag. If you have time, wait 3-5 minutes before you go to the next step to allow the product to set in.


Absolutely! Immediately! Without hesitation! It's actually one of the keys to getting more defined 360 waves—including fixing problem areas like forks.

Combing helps to distribute product from root to end while detangling your hair prior to your brush session.

If you recently got a haircut, it’s more effective using the thin tooth side of your comb. If you're already in your desired state of wolfing it's more effective to use the wide tooth side of your comb when applying product.


Wolfing SZN 3

Okay this is one of the most important steps in the wolfing process: the art of brushing. Once your product is in your hair you can brush with your hard, medium, or soft brush depending on your current hair length. Remember, you always want to brush from the crown and out, using the angles that your wave pattern naturally grows in.

 Combing will lift your hair up slightly, so brushing is the process that lays your hair down before you compress with your durag and/or wave cap.

If you have been wolfing all season, use your hardest brush first and end your session with your soft brush while laying down the top most hairs to solidify your wave pattern. 


Wolfing SZN 4

After you've applied the product, combed, and brushed, it’s time for the final step: compress using a durag or a wave cap.

If you have to go to work or school and don’t have time to compress for a long period of time, that’s okay. Compressing for 15-20 minutes should hold you over for the day until you get home.

 The key to maintaining a good foundation for 360 waves is through a good routine. As you continue to brush, your hair’s muscle memory will start to adapt to the routine, and the results will get better and better. Also make sure you don’t compress too tightly that you love a huge indention on the forehead. Not sexy.  Not cool for wolfing SZN. 

Bottom line: get the ultimate waver bundle. Wash, brush and style your waves in a few simple steps. And finally, step into the wolfing SZN one day at a time!


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